Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Cosplay Tip #6 What To Pack For A Con

I have traveled a lot and I thought I should share with you on what to pack for a convention. A few things to start out on packing is planning. If you write down a list of everything you need the packing will be much easier and you won't forget most of the things you need. Once you have written down all the things you need to pack, you should start packing. A few things you should pack are all your cosplays, make-up, and wigs but you should also pack regular clothing. Make-sure you don't forget anything off your list and once you have finished packing double check on everything you have. When it comes to double checking I always forget something. If you need help on what to pack just remember what you need the most for the days you'll be staying. If you have a different bag for the convention and are using it for carrying around at the con here are something's you should include. You should include your money, snacks, water, make-up for touchups, and your camera(s) for your convention bag. After you get all your stuff packed you should be ready for the convention. I'm sorry this was a small post but I hope this was helpful for most of you. If you have anything to add about this topic please do so in the comments.